Author: Elena Torroglosa

LEPS Consortium is developing a Mobile App which main objective is to offer mobile support for Greek Services to authenticate Spanish citizens, using the eIDAS infrastructure and the Spanish DNIe 3.0, when they access to Greek services. This Mobile ID app is part of the work done in the Activity 3.1. of the project led by University of Murcia (Spain), defined as Mobile Authentication, which will be outlined in the Deliverable 3.1. “Mobile ID app and its integration to results with the Industrial Partners”.

The document includes the process of analysis, design and implementation of a mobile solution that covers all the requirements and principles of the LEPS project, as well as a guide to the installation and use of the solution designed and the first results of the integration and testing process with the pilot services, both Greek and Spanish.
The resulting mobile application is SP agnostic and can integrate any web service offering eIDAS authentication for Spanish users, in the same line, other authentication methods (apart from the Spanish DNIe) could be easily integrated in the same code base, therefore extending the implementation to other member states.

Thanks to the generic solution chosen, the requirements for service providers to work with the mobile application are practically non-existent since they are limited to those of a mobile environment, i.e. responsive interfaces and the use of standard components such as HTML and JavaScript.

Finally, the process of integration and testing of the mobile application with services of the different demonstrates the successful compatibility and functionality of the application with the needs of services, eIDAS infrastructure and Spanish authentication methods. The integration tests done using the mobile application with the services provided by each partner are satisfactory. The services are shown correctly and the authentication process through the eIDAS infrastructure using username/password, software certificates and the Spanish DNIe 3.0 is done successfully, providing the authentication information appropriately to the intermediate eIDAS nodes as well as to the final services.

The figure above shows different screenshots of the eIDAS Browser app, starting by the form to input the URL of the service, following by the menu to choose between the use of software certificates or Spanish DNIe 3.0, and continue by the authentication of the Spanish DNIe 3.0.