The main goal of the Deliverable “D6.1 Production Testing Report” is to provide a precise description of the actions performed during the process of testing the services of Correos, Hellenic Post (ELTA) and Athens Stock Exchange Services Group (ATHEX Group) in order to prove the success of their integration with the eIDAS Network.
As stated in the Grant Agreement, the first testing phase was carried out with the eIDAS pre-production infrastructure to technically validate the connection to the Spanish (for Correos) and Greek (for Hellenic Post and ATHEX) LEPS eIDAS Node Connectors, using test credentials.
After that, the validation against eIDAS core service platform (production level) was carried out with real eIDAS-compatible means of electronic identity, in order to demonstrate the cross-border dimension and authentication of eID means.
To this end this deliverable includes: a) the description of the tests used in pre-production, b) the results of the execution of pre-production tests and lessons learnt, c) the description of the tests used in production and d) the results of the execution of production tests and lessons learnt.
As a conclusion, we report that the Correos, ATHEX and ELTA services which are part of the LEPS project are functional parts of the pan European eIDAS infrastructure. This was achieved after the detailed tests conducted in the context of the Activity 6 “Testing of cross-border authentication and access to Correos electronic Services and to Hellenic (Financial and Post) electronic Services” and the necessary final adjustments and service business logic modifications.

WP6. Testing of cross-border authentication and access to Correos electronic Services and to Hellenic (Financial and Post) electronic Services
Preparation of tests in pre-production